The Eden Alternative
Broadway Lodge practices the Eden philosophy, addressing the three “plagues” of long-term care:
Loneliness, helplessness and boredom.
The Eden Alternative promotes ten guiding principles – you will see these posted around the Lodge. Each principle was developed focusing on de-institutionalizing care homes and to encourage a healthy human habitat, a safe community for elders living in long-term facilities.
We believe it is crucial to receive input whenever possible and to honour and improve the well-being of all care partners (elders, family, friends and staff members) of Broadway Lodge. Therefore, we aim to provide a home-like, person-directed and non-institutional culture celebrating individual identity, growth, autonomy, security, connectedness, meaning and joy
Care practices at the Lodge subscribe to the Eden philosophy, addressing the three “plagues” of long-term care: loneliness, helplessness and boredom.
Each principle was inspired to support culture change, encouraging the development of a healthy human habitat – a safe, familiar community for elders living in long-term facilities.
- We seek to build our care partner relationships. By definition, care partners include residents, their families/friends who support them, staff and volunteers.
- We believe it is crucial to receive input whenever possible and to honour and improve the well-being of all care partners (elders, family, friends, volunteers and staff members) of Broadway Lodge.
- We aim to provide a person-directed, non-institutional, healthy human habitat celebrating the domains of well-being: individual identity, growth, autonomy, security, connectedness, meaning and joy.
For more information about the Eden Alternative, click here.